phantom of the opera

Phantom of the Opera


Il Fantasmo dell'Opera

Phantom of the Opera is based on the novel by Gaston Leroux of the same name. Filming was in Budapest Hungary since the architect that designed the Paris Opera House (which refused access to Argento) also designed the one in Budapest. Interior shots were shot at Rome's Cinecitta Studios. Many actors were been mentioned for the role of Erik have been Gerard Depardieu, John Malkovich, William Hurt, Anthony Hopkins, Tim Roth, Willem Dafoe, Alan Rickman with Julian Sands finally taking the role.

Director: Dario Argento. Producer: Claudio Argento. Screenplay: Dario Argento, Gerard Bach, based on a novel by Gaston Leroux. Cinematographer: Ronnie Taylor. Music: Ennio Morricone. Special Make-Up Effects: Sergio Stivaletti.

Cast: Julian Sands (Erik), Asia Argento (Christine).

Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1, 100 minutes, MPAA Rating: UnRated. US: VHS. DVD Region 1 (100 minutes, 1.85:1 and enhanced for 16x9 TVs, Code Free). France: DVD Region 2 (90 minutes, 1.85:1).